
Showing posts from November, 2020
Thank you for reading the Cyster Stories, and helping me out with my project!  Here is the Post-Survey to take. You don't have to have taken the Pre-Survey to take this one. All information from these surveys helps me out with my project and only takes about 1-5 minutes at most to take.  THANK YOU!!!

Destiny's Story

          My name is Destiny, and I am the creator of Cyster Stories. I was 17, and in high school when I found out, I had PCOS. I was having extremely irregular and missed periods for a couple years at this point. The year I found out I went from February through June without having a period, and in July when I finally started having my period again it lasted two weeks straight. Obviously, this isn't normal so I started doing research on what causes irregular periods like that. At the same time, I was having problems with my pancreas and having bad headaches.       When I brought up PCOS to my endocrinologist, he looked at me, asked me what that was, and then had to google search it himself. This was the first red flag of many for me with this doctor. After many visits with this doctor, never getting a straight answer about anything that was wrong with me, and many ableist comments later, I switched doctors. My new doctor took one look at all my symptoms and medical history and kn

Amber's Story

            I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21. I decided to visit the gynecologist for the first time because I had always had very irregular periods. So after a very uncomfortable visit, along with blood work and discussion with the doctor, they determined that I had PCOS. They wanted me to go on birth control to help regulate my period. They also wanted me to also go on Metformin to help with my insulin resistance. I did that as well but that medicine made me sick and so I stopped taking it. I continue to visit my OB/GYN regularly and have thankfully not had any major health issues. I do struggle with weight loss and that is something that I am currently trying to work on. I have a wonderful doctor that has been very helpful in navigating this disease and I am also very hopeful that even with this disease I will one day be able to have children.

I AM 1 IN 5

I AM 1 IN 5 1 in 5* women has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Even with the condition being so prevalent there are so many people that have no idea what it is or anything about it. PCOS starts at reproductive age, meaning any girl old enough to have a period is old enough to have PCOS.  The symptoms of PCOS can include: - Irregular or Missed Periods -Weight Gain -Acne -Infertility -Loss of Hair -Unwanted Hair -Mood Changes -Pelvic Pain -Fatigue -Headaches -Sleep Problems The name PCOS can be misleading. Even though you can have ovarian cysts with PCOS, you don't actually have to have cysts to be diagnosed with PCOS. The biggest symptom to look for with PCOS is irregular or missed periods. For more information on symptoms go check out the  PCOS Awareness Association .  Currently, there is no cure for PCOS, and the cause is also currently not completely known. What we do know is that there is a link to hormones and potentially insulin. Having too many androgens in the body is wha

Kendall's Story

           Hi, my name is Kendall and I am a 21-year-old junior studying Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I am one of many other women who have been diagnosed with PCOS. I was ‘officially’ diagnosed during my sophomore year of high school. My cycles were never normal. I would skip a cycle for a month or two and then suddenly get one again on schedule.  I was given an ultrasound where they noticed a few small cysts on my ovaries. Nothing on the ultrasound was too terribly concerning to the doctor. From there I got set up with an endocrinologist. The first time I went I had bloodwork done. On top of my PCOS, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. During my first endocrinologist visit, I was prescribed a couple of medications. Metformin and Spironolactone for my PCOS and Levothyroxine for my Hypothyroidism. I also regularly take Vitamin D and birth control to regulate my periods. My ‘conditions’ are very well managed by my slew of doctors. When it comes to PCOS


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About Cyster Stories

PCOS. What does it mean? Who does it affect? How does one know if they have it? Cyster Stories aims to educate others about what PCOS is by sharing the stories of those affected by PCOS.  Come back to this page all throughout November to learn more about PCOS and those living with the condition.