Destiny's Story


    My name is Destiny, and I am the creator of Cyster Stories. I was 17, and in high school when I found out, I had PCOS. I was having extremely irregular and missed periods for a couple years at this point. The year I found out I went from February through June without having a period, and in July when I finally started having my period again it lasted two weeks straight. Obviously, this isn't normal so I started doing research on what causes irregular periods like that. At the same time, I was having problems with my pancreas and having bad headaches. 

    When I brought up PCOS to my endocrinologist, he looked at me, asked me what that was, and then had to google search it himself. This was the first red flag of many for me with this doctor. After many visits with this doctor, never getting a straight answer about anything that was wrong with me, and many ableist comments later, I switched doctors. My new doctor took one look at all my symptoms and medical history and knew immediately that it was PCOS. 

    The main symptoms I have include irregular and missed periods, weight gain, headaches, and endocrine issues. To help with these different issues I take vitamin D, Metformin, and Birth Control. It is my own experience with PCOS that made me want to create Cyster Stories so I can inform people about the condition. 



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